Raku Day Dates

JUNE 20. 21. 22. 2025
Booking details early 2025. A weekend of Raku fun, Several kilns, Glaze, Saggar, Copper Fuming, Pit Firing, Barrel Firing, Camping available, dog friendly, on site Coffee Shop, Live Music, Covered areas in case of poor weather, pot exchange, Raku kiln raffle, etc etc.
Email: pottytim@aol.com

Cancellation Policy
Please only book if you are certain you can come. Book via email, and your booking will be confirmed back to you, so we both have written confirmation. As always, bookings are on a first-come, first-served basis. If you cancel less than 3 weeks prior to your booked date, and I am unable to re-sell your place, you still have to pay. If you cancel less than 3 weeks before your booked day, the same policy applies.
Days can be arranged for groups of friends, colleagues, adult education centres, companies, etc. Please contact us for separate dates.
Email us if you would like to be on our list to receive dates of future days.
Several other groups have their own days. Contact us for dates.
See Raku Kilns for Sale page…

Tips for Successful Raku
Naked Raku
My advice is always to ‘Keep It Simple’. See my article in edition 10 of Clay Craft
magazine. www.claycraft.co.uk
Complicated shapes with lots of texture and detail don’t work so well with Raku, except for Obvara. Simple forms with unhindered surfaces show off the beauty of Raku glazes the best. Let the glaze do the talking! We can perform all the techniques here at Raku days, but you need to have your pots pre-prepared for any of these special effects.
- Naked Raku: Your pots need to be really well prepared for this method to work properly. Use a white firing body. It is preferable to apply a couple of layers of Terra Sigillata slip when the pot is dry, and then burnish or polish it. Burnishing can be done with a pad of plastic bag, J-cloth, a smooth pebble, old credit card, etc., and hand-finished by rubbing with the piece of plastic bag. The finished surface should be smooth and shiny. You can also simply burnish your normal clay without the Terra Sig. If you are able, apply a coating of the special resist slip to the biscuit-fired pot made up of 40/60 Flint & Ball Clay, or 60/40 Flint & China Clay before the day. It is not crucial as we have the slip here, but it can help if the slip has dried thoroughly before glazing. Naked Raku is also known as the Slip Resist Technique. Biscuit fire to 1000 degrees C.
- Horse Hair: Exactly the same as above, with nice burnished surfaces. You can also apply feathers with this process. We have the horse hair and feathers here.
- Copper Fuming: Nice bottle shapes work best with this elusive technique. Narrow-necked, bellied shapes seem to work best. Flat items, for some reason, just don’t respond to fuming as well. The pot needs to have a cover, like a tin can. I do have covers here, but if you can bring your own cover, making sure your pot fits snugly inside, then please bring it along.
- Copper Bling: We get the best results when we part reduce the copper in the kiln prior to the reduction bins. Shallow bowls or cup forms like being tipped upside down in the reduction to prevent oxygen from getting to the glaze, giving us a shiny bling finish. Again, uncluttered surfaces are best, but it will also look good on textures.
- Saggar Firing: Using ferric chloride, copper sulphate, copper wire, Miracle-Gro, banana skins, wire wool, etc. Pots are double wrapped in tin foil and then fired to a special temperature, around 850 degrees C. The foil saggars are removed, we peel back the foil and allow the pots to cool, watching the changing effects. When cool, spray with clear lacquer or wax polish them.
- Obvara: Textured surfaces work best with this old Eastern European technique. Heated pots are dipped in a special fermented mixture of flour, sugar, and yeast, which then cooks on the surface and goes brown and black around the textures. It smells like pizza! If you want to do this, I need at least 5 days’ notice to mix the special batter and allow it to ferment. So please let me know. Texture on the pots is essential for this old Eastern European technique. Heated pots are dipped into a flour and yeast solution. This mixture then cooks on the pot surface, going brown and black around the textures. It smells great (like pizza!). Yet another exciting method to try here at Raku days. Advance warning if you want to do this, as I need to ferment the mixture.
Email Now To Book Your Spot For Naked Raku & Copper Matt Workshops.

2024 @ T & P Huckstepp Pottery